Wow! Well, I warned you it would be busy… here’s the simple schedule of what we did last week…and just for the record, don’t fill your week this full!
Company over for supper—Joel and his room mate, Seth
9:15—10:00 Mr. Reeves takes us to OCA in Seneca for our newspaper interview about the book, This is Now
3:00—4:30 Violin lesson at the Reeves to practice music for the wedding
6:45 Bluegrass band lesson and coaching with Shawn Lane in Walhalla (40 minutes away? Maybe? Dunno…)
Men’s meeting at 7:30
5:15 Get up
6:00—8:15 Clean Goldie (my dad’s work)
10:00 Schmitts stopped by to check out the bed Dud’s making for them…
1:00—2:30 Clean Senn’s house (a neighbor of ours) with Reeves
2:30—4:00 Practice the music for the wedding with the Reeves
7:30 Rehearsal for the wedding
5:30 Get up
6:00 Practice bluegrass as a band before Papa went to work
10:00 Leave here to go pick up Papa at Goldie, drop Ben and Zeez off at the Schmitts house and then drive to the South Carolina Welcome Center (on the Georgia line on I-85)
11:00—1:00 Play bluegrass
2:00 about when we got home…
6:30 The Maguires pick up Zeez and I to take us to Greenville (an hour away) for Miss Carrie’s (our piano teacher) wedding.
10:30 We get home
1:30 We have to be at the church to play the prelude for Felix and Gregoria’s wedding…
5:30 We get home from their wedding
6:30—9:30 Book Signing!!!
6:00 Get up
7:30 “Do” Mother’s Day
8:15 Jump into action to clean up the house!
10:00 Home fellowship
12:30 Lunch at Grandma and Granddaddy’s house
4:00 get home…
It was a long week!