Saturday, October 21, 2006

This week....

the blues from this week...
- when the only orange shirt you own is way big around, and totally looks aweful...
- when you can't seem to ever find time for a good QT
- hearing that grandma's not doing so well
- wishing i could manage my time better and get things done in less time.
- no one wanting me to read Bowditch aloud on the way to Georgia
- when your siblings don't make their beds
- when the other people's laundry is piling up (the clean loads) and it doesn't seem to bother them...
- when people are already thinking about Christmas...and you really don't want the year to go by that fast, so as a result, don't want to hear about Christmas yet.
- when people visit your blog, but don't leave a comment...

but no, I'm not sad! I know I''m happy....
- when God gives you the power you need to play your piano piece so well.
- listening to david’s gibber
- thinking about what will be coming in the mail very soon…
- when the air feels orange
- playing the piano *a lot*
- a kinda lazy saturday morning…
- reading IN THE ARENA by Isobel Kuhn
- trying to let it sink in that God is so good to me. SO GOOD.
- mama taking be to see the floats on campus...and what impressed him wasn't the floats...but the handful of 4-wheelers
- having mysteries to figure out
- marvelling over the fall colors
- seeing old friends that you haven't seen in a long time
- someone wanting to lern spanish with you
- hanging out with hannah all afternoon!
- nina making really really good bread for us
- awesome p b and j's! oh, yah! homemade peanut butter and homemade strawberry jelly on fresh homemade bread!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

your happy lists are always so good to read!!! keep 'em up! it's good to live life with a happy perspective. for some reason, some people just can't figure that out! oh well! i feel happy most of the time!
hey, it was good to get your emails the other day!
have a happy Thanksgiving!
Joanna Harlin

10:31 PM  

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