Sunday, October 08, 2006


On the ground, in the air,
I find blessings everywhere!

* a glass of chocolate milk
* asking deep questions
* talking to friends that you haven't talked to in forever
* being online all day
* when friends call you back
* having work done well
* when your friends start posting happy lists too
* David's smile
* a car ride with Nina
* good message from Mitch Miller
* Phase Diez (phase 10 played with UNO cards)
* when your friends call you back
* when your friends post on their blogs
* when your sister lets you talk to her friend with her
* when Benjamin asks you ever so politely if you'll change his diaper
* when your brothers are all really happy cause Clemson won the football game
* when people just stop by your house and stay and talk for an hour and a half. I love it when people do that!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds like blessings must be EVERYWHERE.

7:13 PM  

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