Friday, March 31, 2006

The Reality of Sleepiness

When Dan was three, they were coming home late at night once and Daniel said from the back seat in deep frustration, "Eyes, keep closing!" Ahh...yes, its a reality...

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Ahh..I love warm weather!

75 degree weather is a blessing!! We were enjoying it today, and we put shorts on Ben (for the first time since last summer or so... After a few minutes, he says, "Its like the Beach!" Do shorts change you location, I wonder? Ha,Ha!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Want to be mentally tormented?

Around here, I guess its the "in" thing to do! Daniel has been telling us, well, this one was from Papa, but...
What is the next letter in the sequence?
Hint: Its not E
It goes on infinitely...

So, Can anyone figure it out? THere are alot of them around here...not all of which I have figured out...But, some are rather hard to tell on a blog. :) Let me know how much you are tormented...or if you get it...

Ahh..its over!

Last summer, I participated in a Teen Devotional that was written "by teens for teens"...So I wrote a few devotionals and sent them off....well the book is almost done, and the person who is publishing it is making it a "big deal" kinda they interviewed me for the Easley Progress (a local newspaper) this morning!! I was kinda nervous before she got here, but it was fine...It's gonna be cool! For you local folks, it'll be in the Friday paper...And, I think the Reeves will be in there too...

Monday, March 27, 2006

World's Greatest Fiddlers CD

I got a new CD!!! Its so cool!!!! It is various fiddle tunes, and, well there are three tracks, that we don't listen to...but the others are SO cool! Its by various artists, so there are a lot of different styles! And songs... some are really common...and others are rare...Its all cool! I love it!!! (if you haven't already noticed!!!)
I was going to uplaod a pic of the cover...but my computer is ornary tonight...either that or I'm not doing something right!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Yes..I am here...

Its been awhile since I've been on...
Today I got some bright blue rubbery-palstic birk-style sandles...They're pretty cool!
And I have new really cool, really long, and really full, skirt and its sorta a bandana fabric....really cool!!!

Okay, I found this website that has the coolest pictures! These are chalk drawings by Jullian Beever. I just love them! He has a real good understanding of perspective! I got them off of a website...but i can't just link to the page, because soem of the other ones on there were not images I would like to expose people to! So here are a few...If you like them, let me know, and I'll put up a few more...
Remember, these are actual drawings on the pavement!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

We went to the Dallas' Church again!!!!!

This time our family went! I loved it!! So much fun! We had the church time, then lunch, then we all played bluegrass together...alot of us playing and even more people singing! So awesome! There are a bunch of aspiring bluegrass players there, too...
Then Christie showed us the midievil dresses she's been making...they were really cool!

Roly Poly is now Mr. Scooter

David's starting to crawl!! He scoots across the floor but for even longer he's been rolling...Yes, our little Roly Poly on the floor. But now, he can come up on all fours...and scoot...
So fun!

Ready to Laugh?

The Second Carnival for Kid Comedy is up and ready! And, I laughed really hard... Enjoy it!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

When Nina was four...

Another funny from the past...We have found a cassette tape that my dad recorded off the answering machine from back in 1990 or so when Nina was four...some lady that was in our chirch had called and had gotten the answering machine...Nina had picked the phone up after the answering machine, so the entire conversation was recorded... :)
Nina talks for a long time then you can hear Daniel in the back ground saying, "Nina, you really need to get off the phone!" (He was six) Finally, he almost gets her off and then she remembers something and exclaims, "Oh, I gotta tell you one more question!!" Don't you just love the word usage of little kids?

Friday, March 17, 2006

A picture...

Our dear neighbor, Mrs. Webb, moved to be with her daughters further downstate...and we really miss her!! Here is a picture of us right before she left...

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Shining His Shoes

Our family's all time favorite came from when my oldest brother, Daniel, was two years old. My dad had his Sunday shoes and told Daniel he was going to shine them. While he was getting out the polish and things, Daniel goes in search of a flashlight. When Papa comes back, Daniel turns the flashlight on and points it at the shoes, "Look Papa! I'm shining your shoes!"

Are the keys REALLY lost?

Mama often loses her keys, but the funny things is…they're always in the exact same place when she eventually finds them…They go in her large pocket in her purse, but she always puts them in her side pocket on her purse. But, whenever she puts them there, she never can find them… So the other day, before we left for Children's books, we were in the car, and she was running around like crazy looking for her keys…she made two trips inside and around the house…she came out the third time, "I still don't know where they are…" "Umm, Mama," I asked as she peeked in, around and under the driver's seat again… "Are they in your purse where you always lose them?" A moment late she answers in a small voice, "Yes."

A Busy Day!

Yesterday we left at about 11:00 for greer (about an hour and a half away) to visit Children's Books (a haven for homeschoolers!!!) We were gone all day and got back 30 minutes before our company was gonna get here...yah great...the house was a mess, the supper wasn't fixed,...yah, you get the picture...
Every wednesday we have open mouse night, so if you're in Clemson on a Wednesday night come on!! Seriously :)
Anyways, Joel brought his good friend fram Atlanta, Darren and his two year old son Tag...Ben loved that! We had a lot of fun!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Kid Carnival....

She has finished it! The first Kid Carnival is published!! And I'm included as one of the first six people to participate!
Check it out....

Saturday, March 11, 2006

My Sewing project...

I have recently made a purse...well more like a bag...for myself... It is really simple...I didn't line it, and it probably won't last too long, but I enjoyed it and I made it in 6 days...
So now, I'm going to pick out some more fabric and make another...this one will probably be a little harder...and I think I'll line it. The reason I haven't picked out the fabric for my next one is that Zeez wants to make one too and she wants me to wait and pick out the fabric with I'm waiting...
What do you think of this one...

Friday, March 10, 2006

Just wondering...

How many people read this? If you do, please comment and let me know....I'm just curious...Thanks...

Kid Comedy

In a Shoe has started a carnival (virtual...sorta thing...)for cute things that kids do...anyways, I thought I'd let you know...and here's the real link to what she was talking about...
and what she said afterwards...(its the third part of the post...) I think the idea is pretty cool...Ben sure could keep me going!

The NERF gun...

Dudley has a NERF gun that shoots little darts with suction cups on them so they’ll stick to hard surfaces….well, he was shooting them from across the room at the large window in the kitchen, and Ben (2yo) stands on a chair in front of the window and would pull them off the window and give them back to Dudley….well, one time Dudley missed and hit Ben on the cheek…..Ben fusses a bit and says almost impatiently, “Dudley, Try to hit the window!”

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Yes, I will be posting my essay once I get it typed, but I don't get much free time...and with Anna here I don't get a lot of extra free time. What I mean by "extra" free time is time when I'm not playing board games with Anna! But in my free time, I'm spending it all on either online (obviously not much goes there) or on something else--Megan knows what that is! Her letter!!! Sorry girl, its going slow too....
But, I have typed almost half of the essay, so I'll get it up sometime.....
And yesterday morning we had another essay... Dating vs. COurtship....and today's was Proverbs 15:19 "The way of the lazy is as a hedge of thorns,
But the path of the upright is a highway." So we had to explain how that applies to our life...that was good...

Monday, March 06, 2006

A survey.....

I never do these.....except that I did this time.... so I thought I'd put it on here... so here it is....And I understand if you skip it! <smile>

1. What time did you get up this morning? 5:00 (Real Time :) )
2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Never been there...
4. What are your favorite TV shows? I don't watch TV
5. What did you have for breakfast? Granola
6. What is your middle name?  Gale
7. What is your favorite cuisine? Mexican!
8. What foods do you dislike? Okra, Avacado
9. What kind of potato chips do you like? Sour Cream and Onion
10. What is your favorite CD at the moment? My Cowboy assortment that Daniel made me for Christmas called, Hardwork Hoedown (we listen to Western music while we clean the house...
11. What kind of car do you drive? I don't drive....and probably won't for 3-5 years yet....
12. What's your favorite sandwich? tomato sandwich on potato bread
13. What characteristics do you despise? laziness and injustice
14. Favorite item of clothing? denim skirts
15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would it be? Olympia Washington!
16. What is your favorite color? Ivy Green
17. What is your favorite brand of clothing? Dunno...
18. Where would you want to retire too? Ecuador? I don't know!
19. Favorite time of day? morning before everyone else gets only quiet time when know one disturbs or distracts me
20. Where were you born? Oconee Memorial Hospital in Seneca SC
21. Favorite sport to watch? I have to admit, NASCAR
22. Who do you least expect to respond? I don't ever like to answer that question, cause it would make me feel bad  if someone wrote my name there!! And these surveys are really annoying to alot of people who don't like to waste their time in the way that I am at this moment.... LOL!!
23. Person you expect to send it back first? I don't know!
24. What laundry detergent do you use? We just swapped to a new one...we USED to use Surf though
25. Coke or Pepsi? We don't drink soft drinks
26. Are you a morning person or night owl ? early bird!!! (see question # 19)
27. What size shoe do you wear? ~6
28. Do you have any pets? An adorable dog....Sunny
29. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share?That no one knows? Ummm......we're all sick...but that's not exciting.....Something that is exciting is that....I have a blog! Did you all know check it out!
30. What did you want to be when you were little?a bakery...,.and yes, I said it like that...and my brother wanted to be a bulldozer....
31. Favorite Candy Bar? Andes Mint or Peppermint Paddy
32. What is your best childhood memory? Don't know....I have too many options cause my childhood isn't really that far away if you'd say its even "away" at all!
33. What are the different jobs you have had in your life? Baby sitting, house cleaning, phone banking for President Bush's election......that I think of....
35. Nicknames: Carrie, Care, Carrie-bear, Carrie-girl, Querri, Theodore...
37. Eye color? BLUE...
38. Ever been to Africa?never...
39. Ever been toilet papering? No...that's mean
40. Cried when someone made fun of you? don't know...
41. Been in a car accident?  No, Praise the Lord!
42. Croutons or Bacon Bits? Bacon bits!!
43. Favorite day of the week? Friday...
45. Favorite flower? Pansy
46. Favorite ice cream? Black Cherry with Chocolate, Banana Bananza
47. Disney or Warner Brothers? We don't watch movies either...
48. Favorite fast food restaurant? Taco Bell
49. What color is your bedroom carpet? Umm...Wood flooring
50. Failed your drivers test? I haven't tried yet!
51. Before this one, from whom did you get your last email from? Emily Green I think...
52. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?Its not a good idea to max out your credit card....
53. What do you most often do when you are bored? Write a letter to someone or play with Ben                                                                                  
54. Bedtime? 8:30 real time
55. Have you ever been to Hawaii? Nope
56. Last person you went to dinner with? We never "go to dinner"
57. Ford or Chevy? Jeep!! LOL.... I guess, Ford
58. What are you listening to right now? David Warren: Strength for today, Bright Hope for tomarrow......its piano hymn improvisations
59. Mountains or Beach? Mountains...they're so beautiful...
60. Lake, Ocean or river? river...
61. How many tattoos do you have?No thank you, I don't have any and don't want any!!!!!!!!
62. Have you ever dyed/colored your hair? no
63. Do you have any siblings? 5 brothers, two sisters....Daniel, Nina, Dudley, Peter, Suzanna, Ben and David
64. Time you finished this e-mail? 1:55 PM.....

An essay....

Dudley is gonna take the SAT this Spring, so Mama is getting him ready for it...But for the benefit of all, she had us all do an essay like the one he'll have to do...and the essay question was...NASCAR has been for many years considered a "red-neck sport," but recently, it has become more and more popular and acceptable. Why is this?
Isn't that an interesting question?

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Another Day....

I didn't get to post yesterday, I know...but I can today. Yesterday, Anna and I and Suzanna got to go to the Reeves for homefellowship....but the others couldn't cause they were sick. Please pray: Ben and David have really bad colds, coughs and occasional fevers....Mama is afraid they might get phnemonia... (sp?) They have it bad and its hard to see them suffering...
We have really good weather so we had an awesome game of ultimate frisbee this afternoon. Even though we lost...
Another highlight: Peter has gotten really excited and involved in the newest NASCAR series--Lawnmower racing! They set up a course and take turns taking the riding lawnmower around the cones with a timer. Whoever has the best time, wins! The course is complete with shacain and slalam (sp on both of those?) I did it alot with them, but we couldn't get Anna to try it....Daniel did it alot too, and they even got Mama through it once! Then the Reeves came by and so Stephen, Katie, Hannah and Bethany all did it.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

A rotten apple?

Ben says its "yooey"...not ooey but yooey...

Friday, March 03, 2006

I AM here....even though it might not seem like it.....

I say I’ll post on my blog everyday…. But I can only do that if I get to go online…My mom has been tightening up on our time online, so I don’t get to go on but approximately 15 minutes a day….and that didn’t happen yesterday…or the day before…. So I have a bunch of news:
Wednesday night we had 13 people over! Daniel invited the Joshua Team (the evangelistic team he’s in) so that’s 9….then his best friend, Joel, brought two additional people…..then we persuaded Mrs. Webb and her daughter Margaret to join us….I just love a house full of people!
Wednesday afternoon, Kirby brought us the dumping from a huge party he had been a part of…at least…he just brought the dishes that they hadn’t even brought from the kitchen yet….. over 30 baked potatoes… large bowls of grated carrots, cottage cheese, potato salad, bacon bits, a huge bowl of sliced cucumbers, a biggie sized “basin” of fruit salad, a platter of cookies, and a half-full immensely sized basket of rolls….you get the idea….I probably forgot 4-5 dishes….but I got my point across…..
Thursday night we had our bluegrass jam session on campus…It was us, Adam (a mandolin player who knows a small amount of bluegrass among other things), his brother (a guitar player who doesn’t know bluegrass…but likes to play music) another Adam (has played the banjo about a year…and taught himself…this was his first jam so he was a bit timid)…it all ended up an interesting jam….last time was similar…except Stephen Hudson (an awesome fiddler from Tugaloo Hollar) and his wife Jessica came….so he knew tons of bluegrass so we could play easily with him….
Later Thursday night, Anna Morales got here….Her parents are going to Spain so she’s staying with us for 10 days!!!! We’re going to have so much fun!!!!