Saturday, September 30, 2006

Fulfillment is…

…having something looming over you…a laundry room that is an absolute mess. A full week after the trip, it still looks the same…even worse…something that definitely needs to be dealt with. Its nine o’clock on Saturday morning, everyone else was gone except Dudley (outside), David (sleeping) and Nina (having her QT)…so I essentially had the house to myself.
This is when I set up my perfect environment for deep cleaning: a the room to be cleaned all to myself, a good stereo system, good ol’ western cowboy music (nice’n loud) and a broom. Under these conditions, the room cleans up all by itself with very little effort. I do this often. Yesterday it was our room, today it was the Laundry room.

Fulfilling. Very.

The Study

A few years ago, when Daniel was going through ALERT, we had a mini ALERT program going on here…at our house…there were exercises for people who didn’t complete their responsibilities, we had major weekly cleaning inspections, PT every morning…etc. Well, Nina gets back from EQUIP, and the thing is a Learning Center. At ITC, there was a room for the LITs to do their schoolwork, and it was called the Learning Center. No one talked in that room and it was definitely a focused atmosphere. During school hours, there was a “monitor” there to supervise and to help anyone who needed it.
So, we’re doing that. We’ve moved desks and things into one bedroom…there’s a bookshelf in between each desk and there’s a desk for a monitor (either Mama or Nina). We’re gonna try to learn responsibility with working hard and having a focused atmosphere…before now, we have not done a good job in that area! So, starting this Monday, that’s what we’ll be doing! I can’t wait to see how it actually will work!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Poor David

An old friend of ours often said that Lewis kids are top-heavy…She said this because we were constantly falling down and every time it was the forehead that got banged up…Most of us kids have ugly scars on our foreheads…or near our eyes…its just a Lewis tradition I guess…
Well, David is no exception. Though his aren’t very lasting at this point, he does have a lot of bumps and bangs on his forehead. While we were in Chicago, he hit his forehead on a door facing and scraped it. Then he hit it in the exact place and got a nice bruise to go with the scrape…now, the poor little guy has a huge goose egg on the other side of his forehead. Huge. I was scared when I first saw it…
Oh well, I guess he’s a regular top-heavy Lewis!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Ultimate Frisbee

Today after church we had an awesome game of ULTIMATE FRISBEE! Yahoo!
Talk about being worn out! We hadn’t played in forever…I was already feeling tired after the first point. Not a good sign!
It was Daniel, Dudley, Me, Peter and Suzanna with three other people. We played for a while and then started keeping score…at 3 to 5 the Reeves showed up. They let us finish up playing to 7 and then we played a while again and then started keeping score…all of us that had been playing for a while were worn out! We started keeping score…at about 4 to 5, Joel shows up! And they put him on the other team! So it was a bunch of worn out people against Joel and another bunch of worn out people. It was very hard! Joel’s team definitely won. :) 9 to 11.

Brownie Chocolate!

Last night Joel came over about supper time and we hung out for a while….Then all the guys went out and brought back a ton of Brownie Chocolates…definitely an experience! It’s an RC Cola Chocolate drink… Posted by Picasa

Saturday, September 23, 2006


I updated my links the ones that I really read... :)

Our trip

Such an awesome trip!
Thursday was the day that we ended up going to Amish country. We went to a cheese factory then to Menno-Hof. It’s a museum about the Amish and Mennonites. That was really cool….they had the history, how they settled, what they believe, what’s the difference between them…then after that, they had a TV set up and you could listen o these two story tellers and they would tell stories that were just hilarious…like Amish are not stingy, they’re frugal. Know how copper wire was invented? Two Amish guys fighting over a penny. J Another cool thing there was a tornado simulator. They put you in a room and there’s a screen…it shows a tornado coming, it blows tremendous amounts of air in there, makes tons of noise, even vibrates…sooo cool!
Right after Menno-Hof, Amanda, Kip’s best friend, came and picked up Kip, Nina, Ben and I. She took us to her house, well to the mill. Her family has an old flour mill. We packaged pancake mixes for a while…that was so cool…To entertain Ben, we gave him a bin with about three inches of flour in it and a few cups….that kept him good for a while.
Then we played with Amanda’s kitties….then the rest of the family got there and they took us on a tour of their old mill—built in 1846 and still fully operating. Incredible. The beams that the thing was built with were 13 by 13 inch beams of solid white oak fifty feet long. Now, imagine that being hoisted up to the top of a three story frame that was being built on top of an twenty-one foot deep river. The river goes under the mill and runs the generator. But hoisting up that beam….before the walls and floor…fust a frame…and this was done by the Amish folks…they weren’t using cranes…this was a serious building! Planks on the walls were over three feet wide and 26 feet long!
Anyways, we got to see the way that the flour was milled, separated, sifted, and everything.
I am so glad Kip could come! We all had such a blast with her…and that really did help Nina…made it a little bit easier to leave…she's been living in a big huge building with all her friends for a year, and now she's going it was really good for her to have kip that week.
For plenty of pictures, visit Nina. Go back in her achives for even more from earlier in the trip.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

What's going on...

I've been posting regularly...sorry...but Nina and Kippany have, so for funny pictures, check out their xangas!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Indianapolis, Champagne, and Naperville!

Oops, this is the post I wrote on Sunday that I thought I posted...

We made awesome time up to Indy and our total trip took 9 hours and 59 minutes! And only 3 stops! For eight people, that's doing pretty good!
At 8:00 the next morning we rolled out of Indy along with Nina and Kippany! So cool! The trip from there through many corn fields to Champagne, Illinios where my mom's sister, Dudley and her family live. We spent the day with was awesome!
Then after a light supper, we turned toward Chicago, and began the long trip up to Chicago. We played various games, and then after three people were asleep, we all started singing really loud in the back of the van. First crazy bluegrass songs, then funny bluegrass songs, then bluegrass hymns, then songs that we didn't really even know...:) and then Nina got out Mama's laptop and started playing
Anyways, we finally arrived! Naperville is about an hour west of Chicago. We went to their church this morning, then to the craft fair that happened to be going on.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Off we go!

Day after tomarrow (Friday) we are leaving for Indianapolis! We'll be picking up Nina and her friend Kippany and heading to Amish country, northern Indiana! Then to Poppy and Grandma Lyn's house in Chicago, then to Mama's sister's house (also in Illinois) and then back to Indianpolis to drop off Kippany, and then home With Nina!!! That's the best part!
We'll be back next Friday night.
Till then...
in case I don't get to post in Chicago...

Monday, September 11, 2006

Chemistry and Biology

Dudley (16) and I are taking Chemistry this year. We’ve took Biology two years ago. Well, we were asking Mama if she had bought the Chemistry lab kit for us…we needed a graduated cylinder, a scale that measures grams, other such things…
Suzanna, the very smart 10 year old that she is, suggested that we just use our Biology dissecting kit. Its got the same stuff, right?

Saturday, September 09, 2006


We have just made the plunge…we’re in on technology by now! We now own a cell phone!!! We got Alltel…but I don’t know the number yet! Its just hard to belive that we’ve got one now! One for Mama (and Nina) and one for Daniel.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

My day

I've been busy…sorry I'm not on every day…I'm trying.

This morning Mama found several bugs on the counter…so, she and Dudley ran to Ace to get some insect poison and then began the chore of pulling out everything in the cabinets, wiping them down, spraying them well, letting them dry, and then going through things and re-arranging them in the cabinets. I guess you could say it was like a piece of spring cleaning…but it was good!


Then…later, we kids got distracted. We all attempted to copy each other's signatures and then put them all together and tried to figure out who wrote what…make any sense? It was fun! And Peter actually guessed that the one that I wrote with his name was the one that he wrote! I hope I'm not being too confusing…But it was fun!!! You should try it with your brothers and sisters!!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

A discussion on pigs...

Ben: Mrs. Oxendine! Look at my sock! It has a pig on it!

Mrs. Oxendine: That’s neat Ben, Is that one of the Three Little Pigs?

Ben: No, it’s one of the One Little Pigs.

Mrs. Oxendine: Really? Now, what does a pig say?

Ben: This pig says, “May I have a cookie, please?” cute! and so original!!!

Another Meme!

1. Are you craving anything and if so, what?
Me? I'm actually not right now...except a tall glass of water!

2. What is the weather outside, and do you wish it would change?
A rainy day here...but by now, its pretty much dried, I'm fine with it the way it is.

3. What two websites do you think you will go to next after you are finished here?
Definatly, next I'm going to check out my Site Meter to see who is reading what I'm typing...and then I'm not sure what next...I'll probably download a hand full of Xanga sites that are updated only periodically to see if there's anything new there...

4. Do you wish you were somewhere else and if so, where?
I love where I am...but Mexico would be a great change...or Olympia? I'll take either one if you'd like to send me somewhere! I'd also love to be in Indy with Nina! That'd be cool!

5. Do you wish you were someone else, and if so, who?
I can't think of anyone I'd rather be!

6. Tag?
Who do I tag to do this? almost none of my friends who read this have blogs...or at least I don't know that they do...but Molly does, so I tag her!

Monday, September 04, 2006

So, I'm not the only one around here who really wants to go to Mexico!

My cousin said she figured out that her blog is a blog about all the crazy things her [older] brother does...Well mine is a blog about all the absoluetly adorable (to me) things that my little brother does... Is it just me, or is he really that cute anyways!

Today I was putting Ben down for a nap,and all of the sudden he rolls over and says very determinedly, “Let Me!!!” I playfully restrain him. Again, “Let Me, Let Me Cawwie!!”

“Let you--what?”

“Let me go to Mexico!!”

“You may, may I go too?”

“Yes. You may.”

From there he went off into say how we would leave on Thrusday-day and come back on Sunday. We would bring Mama with us…

“May I see my friends down there?”

“Yes, what awe deiw [their] names?”

“Um, can I see Cristina?”

“Yes, is she your fwiend?”

“Yes, Cristina’s my friend.”

“Cwistina’s my fwiend too!

Who does Ben love?

Me: Who loves you?

Ben: Poppy and Gwamma Lyn

Who else?

Gwamma and Gwandaddy

Who else?

Papa and Mama

Who else?

He heaws my pwayaws…[which, btw, is probably a quote from one of his little books…]

Who hears your prayers?

God does.

Does He love you?

Yes. [grin]

Who else do you love?

I love Nina!

Who else?


Well, Ben, you know who I love? I love Benjamin.

[After a little…]

Know what, Cawwie? I love you!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

A few thoughts...

Here is a summary of the message this morning...

What if you went on a two week mission trip and when you came back, you landed at the airport in Atlanta, and they flopped open the door and you began to walk across the runway. You thought this was interesting because usually you walk right into the terminal. But, then you realize its because there is no airport. It has been destroyed and all that’s left is heaps of rubble. As you leave the airport, you begin to see that the entire city has been devastated. All the skyscrapers are piles of debris. You can only go about 20 mph because the interstate has been destroyed. The forests are burned. Even the lakes are gone because the dams have been destroyed. No wildlife. Everywhere people are walking by the side of the road in tattered clothes. There is destruction everywhere. Your house is gone. Everything is destroyed. What would you think? How would you feel?
You’d have a sense of loss. You’d want to fix it, and put it back right, because you knew what it used to be.
Now, what if you grew up in this same place. You’d be used to it. You would never have known its glory, its beauty, its richness; you’d simply be satisfied. This is all you knew things could be. You wouldn’t feel the same need to rebuild what used to be.

Now, think of the desert in the West. When you see it, you accept it as desert. But, what if you had known an area to be a lush, fertile plain and then came back and saw it as a desert. It would take your breath away. You would feel that something was lost. It would be completely different than just supposing that the desert always was and always will be wasteland.

We live in a spiritual wasteland. A spiritual desert. Many vibrant and powerful Christians have come from the East to America and described a feeling of real demonic presence here in our churches, more than they felt back in China in a communist prison. They feel more persecution here from the American Christians than they felt from their communist persecutors.
The reality is, we really do live in a spiritual wasteland. Our country is a rubble heap, but we’ve never known any different. We are fine with how it is. We must take action!

Now, imagine trying to rebuild a huge city, repair the damage of a flattened city. Brothers and sisters, we have to change our life style. We cannot dedicate ourselves to rebuilding our country without rearranging our priorities and putting time, energy and money into repairing the damage. We may feel very overwhelmed at the thought of trying to repair our country, but the reality is that we have One on our side Who has all the resources, and people that we could need. He’s there and waiting to give to us what we need if only we’ll ask!

So what can we do? We must stand out, and stand up for our country. But what is our direction? How can we figure out how to begin making a difference in the millions of people who need us so badly? We must pray! Prayer is the key by which all things can be reached. Prayer can move things that aren’t possible. Prayer is an instrument that allows us to directly move the Spirit of the Living God, the Creater of the universe, the Maker of all mankind. We must pray!