Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Wow! Its good to be home, but I hope I can go back soon! Me encanta Monterrey!!!!

The first weekend, we stayed with the Quijano family. I don't have a picture of their whole family, but here is Hermana Susie and her daughter Leslie with us...note the famous Serro de la Silla in the background! Both Hermana Susie and Leslie were fairly fluent! That was like an "intro" to Mexico...we went to the markets and saw a lot of the city...but we weren't forced to speak the language...

From Sunday afternoon until Wednesday morning, we stayed with this family. They have a children's home and have adopted 10 children--several with special needs. They have a blind child, one cannot talk, one had water on the brain, and their helper is in a wheelchair. While we were there, we had the opportunity to be a special blessing since the dad and the two oldest kids were on a trip to the states.

This is the conference picture of the COMMIT conference. It was absolutely a stimulating conference. It was incredible!
I'm sure I'll have lots more pictures coming! But..for now, I've got to go! Posted by Picasa


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