Friday, January 12, 2007

Teach me Thy will, O Lord

Teach Me Thy Will, O Lord
I am playing this hymn on the piano this week, and I've been thinking about the words. It's also our wisdom booklet hymn, and goes along with the theme of the month--Determining and following the will of God.
So, here are the two of the verses...

Teach me Thy will, O Lord
Teach me Thy will, O Lord, teach me Thy way
Teach me to know Thy word, teach me to pray
Whate'er seems best to Thee, that be my earnest plea
So that Thou drawest me, closer each day.

Teach me by pain Thy power, teach me by love
Teach me to know, each hour, Thou art above
Teach me as seemeth best in Thee to find sweet rest
Leaning upon Thy breast, all doubt remove.

Benjamin quotes

"The hot air is hotting my up."

"I figured out what problems me."

I love that kid.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The babysitter's pocket guide to David's own personal language

You can learn this language in only six weeks!

agah go, get down, get up, get out, get in,
buh bread, bun, ball, bye
doo juice
adlaah! light
caa car, truck
tadah tractor, cracker
diggah digger
ah guh all gone
uh, nuh! Oh no!
a MMah!! Mess!
Mama Mama
Paba Papa, Poppy
Dzeedzee ZZ, (Suzanna), Carrie
ihNinni Nini (Carrie)
ahNina Nina
Beh Ben
Gunna Grandma Lyn, Grandma, Grandaddy, goodnight
ahaoh apple
fis fish
ihBEEji Luigi (the italian guy in the movie CARS), frisbee
aghen again
vutah water
duh, duh, DAAH! 1, 2, 3, GO!
mah mouth
bibi Baby
dzah sock
dahdah Diaper
cah cat
doow Door
Beebee BBTB (Black Bean Tortilla Bake)
moow More
Nuuuu, nuuuuuu, nuuu car engine sounds