Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Responsibility Challenge

Our family has recently borrowed an idea from EQUIP, a "Challenge!"

Mama listed out different responsibilities that needed to happen (chores, schoolwork, etc.) and most of them had a deadline. She then assigned point values for each completed item(examples: rise on your own-5, math started by 8:00-5, all work done by 2:00-10). There were also verses to memorize. Extra points could be earned for service projects and if we kids took initiative, more points! She set the point goal attainable, and then had a surprise planned for those that made the goal. It was a lot of fun and there was a lot of energy in the house as ones tried to make all the points necessary to go on our "big outing." All did!

The Suzanna (10) has begged Mama to do another one! so we did another one last week.

Mama said she had two goals, to help us see that we can do the things we need to do and to see the good fruit of doing them!!! It rewarded Mama when, after the challenge was completed, Dudley (16) assured her he has seen these results in his life!

Another fun thing Mama did as school started this summer was for the first two weeks of school those that had all their work and chores done by 2:00 would get an ice cream bar reward! This has been a great "carrot"! Before, school had been an all-day thing. Now, most everyone can get it all done by 2:00!

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Blogger Fatcat said...

That ice cream bar thing sounds like a good plan. Does the mom get one too?

1:56 PM  

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